Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Paul's Update 10/23

Solving Solar's Biggest Problem Didn't Take Technology
Link Here

Why Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Change The World   John Seely Brown
Link Here

The End of America(n Universities)
Link Here

Leadership is an Emergent Property of a Balanced Network     Harold Jarche
Link Here

Three Ways Goofing Off at Work Can Make Your Company More Innovative
Link Here

An Optimist's Case for Climate Policy
Link Here

Carl Sagan on Mastering the Vital Balance of Skepticism and Openness
Link Here

Seth Godin:  Stop Stealing Dreams   Stop Stealing Dreams, a free ebook manifesto I gave away early this year, has been downloaded millions of times, translated into a few languages and turned into an audiobook. But I'm hoping for an even wider audience, so when Lisa Daniels gave me the chance to do a TEDx talk about it, I took it. Doing a talk for the first and only time is a risky thing, and a lot of work, but I hope you'll find it worth 17 minutes of your time--and share it if you can.    Find the video and the ebook at the Stop Stealing Dreams page.

Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Bulletin - October 22, 2012

Correction, the presentation by Cuban Guest Composer Maureen Reyes Lavastida is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14 (not Nov. 28) at 3:30, room 201 International Center. Please see correction below.

Wednesday, November 14
“The Instituto Superior de Artes (ISA) and the State of College-level Music Education in Cuba”
Presenter: Maureen Reyes Lavastida, Cuban Guest Composer, sponsored by the College of Music
Room 201 International Center, 3:30-4:30 (note special time)


Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Bulletin - October 22, 2012

In this bulletin:

1. Latin American & Caribbean Studies Seminar Series
2. Sustainable Energy for All Conference, Oct. 22-23
3. Global Opportunities Fair, Oct. 24
4. Don Juan Week, Nov. 1-2
5. MSU Learning Abroad Conference, Nov. 2
6. Entre la tierra y el ciberespacio/Between the Earth and Cyberspace (Grand Valley Univ.), Nov. 8-10
7. MSU Global Festival 2012, Nov. 11
8. Refashioning Blackness: Contesting Racism in the Afro-Americas (Univ. Texas-Austin), Feb 20-22
 Study Abroad Information Meetings
10. Spring break service-learning in Mexico
11. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships
12. Congratulations to Helene Weldt-Basson



1. Latin American & Caribbean Studies Seminar Series

Wednesday, October 24
Xocén is Your Home: An Ancient World in Modern Perspective”
Presenter:  Joshua Lieto, Senior, Spanish, College of Arts and Letters
Room 201 International Center, 3:00-4:30 pm

Wednesday, November 7
“Documenting Nepantla: Decolonial Knowledge and Chicana Subjectivity in the Films of Lourdes Portillo” Presenter: Nohemy Solórzano-Thompson, Associate Professor of Spanish, Whitman College
Room 201 International Center, 3:00-4:30 pm

Wednesday, November 14
“The Instituto Superior de Artes (ISA) and the State of College-level Music Education in Cuba”
Presenter: Maureen Reyes Lavastida, Cuban Guest Composer, sponsored by the College of Music
Room 201 International Center, 3:30-4:30 (note special time)

Wednesday, November 28
“The Why, What and How of Proficiency-oriented Instruction in Spanish”
Presenter: Bill VanPatten, Professor of Spanish and Second Language Studies and Director of Romance Language Instruction, College of Arts and Letters
Room 201 International Center, 4:00-4:50 pm (note special time)

Wednesday, December 5
“Tinker Field Research Grant Graduate Panel”
Presenters: Jennifer Kelly (Costa Rica), Wiliams Castro (Brazil), Amy Michael (Belize), Ellen Holste (Costa Rica), Kamahra Ewing (Brazil)
Room 201 International Center, 3:30-4:30 pm (note special time)

2.  Sustainable Energy for All Conference
October 22-23, MSU Union, Gold Rooms
The gathering is part of the United Nations General Assembly’s designation of 2012 as the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All. It is cosponsored by the United Nations Association of Greater Lansing and Michigan State University. More information: http://www.canr.msu.edu/faculty_staff/canr_conferences/sus

3. Global Opportunities Fair
October 24, 2012, 10 am – 3 pm, 2nd floor MSU Union
Featured presentation in the Gold Room during the fair:

12:00 pm           U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
1:00 pm             Peace Corps
For more information and a detailed list of vendors, please visit: http://studyabroad.isp.msu.edu/gofair

4. Don Juan Week
November 1-2, Michigan State University
Nov. 1 – Plenary Talk by Carlos Morton, Mexican American Playwright (7:00-9:00 PM, RCAH Auditorium/Snyder Hall)

Nov. 2 – Roundtable discussion of Chicano/Latino Theater with Carlos Morton (12:00-1:00 PM, B-342 Wells Hall, lunch served); Academic Symposium (2:00-5:30 PM, MSU Gold Room) –“The Legacy of Don Juan” by Clint Goodson, Valentina Denzel, Joseba Gabilondo with Carlos Morton (reception following)

5. MSU Learning Abroad Conference
November 2, 2nd and 3rd floors International Center, 2:00-6:00 pm

6. Entre la tierra y el ciberespacio/Between the Earth and Cyberspace Symposium
November 8-10, Grand Valley University, Grand Rapids, MI
Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica Annual Congress

7. MSU Global Festival 2012
November 11, MSU Union, noon-4:00 pm

8. Refashioning Blackness: Contesting Racism in the Afro-Americas
February 20-22, 2013, University of Texas at Austin
Convened by the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies and the John L. Warfield Center for African and African-American Studies
9.  Study Abroad Information Meetings

PERU: Community Engagement & Interdisciplinary Study in the Peruvian Andes, Summer 2013
Monday, October 22, 5:30 pm - 221 Natural Resources Building

COSTA RICA: Ethics of Tourism and Sustainable Development, Summer 2013
Tuesday, October 23, 5:00 pm - C210 Snyder Hall

COSTA RICA: Ecological Engineering in the Tropics, Winter Break 2012-13
Wednesday, October 24, 5:00 pm - 118 Farrall Hall & 7:00 pm - 119 Farrall Hall

10. Spring break service-learning in Mexico
The MSU International Engagement in Mexico (IEM) Study Aboard program is looking for students who are interested in a service-learning (volunteer) experience in Mexico during spring break 2013.  This program immerses students in Mexican culture. Join 140 other students as we engage in communities in Mexico through service-learning. We will be volunteering at designated nonprofit agencies that work with children & youth, senior citizens, youth with disabilities and more. Students choose one of four vibrant city locations in Mexico:  Puebla, Campeche, Oaxaca, Merida. All cities are safe and full of cultural opportunities.   Archaeological sites are part of the experience too.  For more details, please contact Carlos Fuentes at Fuentes@msu.edu or at 517-353-1671.

11. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships
The applications for the 2013-2014 David L. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships are now available atwww.borenawards.org. Boren Awards provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study in Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East, where they can add important international and language components to their educations. Boren Scholars and Fellows represent a variety of academic backgrounds, but all are interested in studying less commonly taught languages, including but not limited to Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Swahili. As part of the African Languages Initiative, Boren Award applicants have the opportunity to further their study of Akan/Twi, Hausa, Portuguese, Swahili, Wolof, Yoruba, or Zulu. For a complete list of languages, visit our website. Undergraduate students can receive up to $20,000 for an academic year’s study abroad and graduate students up to $30,000 for language study and international research. In exchange for funding, recipients commit to working in the federal government for a minimum of one year.

National Application Deadlines
Boren Fellowship: January 31, 2013
Boren Scholarship: February 13, 2013*

*Many institutions have an earlier on-campus deadline. Visit our website for information about your campus deadline and Boren campus representative. For more information about the Boren Awards, to register for one of our upcoming webinars, and to access the on-line application, please visit  www.borenawards.org. You can also contact the Boren Awards staff at boren@iie.org or 1-800-618-NSEP with questions.

12. Congratulations to Helene Weldt-Basson, Spanish professor and CLACS core faculty member
Helene was recently awarded an honorary Doctorate degree from the Universidad del Norte, Asunción in recognition of her scholarship on Paraguayan author Augusto Roa Bastos.

Please send announcements and events to be shared in the next bulletin to: kristin@msu.edu
For more information visit: www.LatinAmerica.isp.msu.edu

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