Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Paul's Update 10/2

10 Science Discoveries That Were Complete Accidents
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Teaching To Fail
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The Next Big Financial Crisis That Could Cripple Cities
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Why Mark Zuckerberg Might Be Too Successful
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Did You Hear?  Old School, MBA-Born Strategy is as Horrifying as it is Dead
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Rosabeth Moss Kanter:  Ten Reasons People Resist Change
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Cheaping Out The Future
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10 Ted Talks To Help You Become An Innovative Leader
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Must Have Play: Wellness Playgrounds for Elders
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The Peak Time for Everything
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Free Book Time From University of Chicago Press
THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS | Publishing Fine Books and Journals Since 1891
Minow cover image
Since you previously requested a free e-book from the University of Chicago Press, we thought you'd like to know about the October free e-book selection, Inside the Presidential Debates: Their Improbable Past and Promising Future by Newton N. Minow and Craig L. LaMay.
Newton Minow was the originator of the televised presidential debate and has been the foremost promoter of them for more than fifty years. He is uniquely qualified to tell the story of the debates: their creation, evolution, and the role they play in our elections. Get your free e-book edition of Inside the Presidential Debates during the month of October.

I knew Jack Kennedy
More for the politically obsessed. If you can write the caption to the photo to the left, you will want to feed your obsession with our list of books relevant to the 2012 election. If you can't, make your first stop our online feature, Newton Minow’s Memorable Moments from Presidential Debates. Oh, yeah, he knew Jack.

Chicago on Twitter: Keep informed about special sales and promotions for our books by following @UCPbooks. Keep up with our publicity and news by following @UChicagoPress.

About Chicago's e-books: The University of Chicago Press has over 1800 titles in its Chicago Digital Editions e-book program. Chicago's e-books require Adobe Digital Editions software, which is freely downloadable. Chicago Digital Editions are powered by BiblioVault.

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